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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dagan's Visit

Our nephew, Dagan, made an unexpected visit to San Francisco Sunday. We got a call at 10:00 am that he was at Lake Tahoe and was stopping in SF en route back to LA. Dagan works as a PA (Production Assistant) on a reality tv show called The Hills. We dont' get this channel, so we've never seen the show.

That afternoon we made contact again and found out that he and his buddies wanted to go to the Ferry Building for lunch. So we got on MUNI Metro and headed down there to meet them.

After lunch, half of the entourage needed to head out. Dagan and two friends wanted to go for a walk, so we ambled over to AT & T Park.

Right away we encountered a wedding party. The bride looked very young and did not appear to be in a very good mood. I snapped this shot of the bridesmaids wearing Giants colors, orange and black. I did not notice the rude hand gesture that the middle bridesmaid was making until I downloaded the picture. On closer inspection, she is looking at someone other than me, so I don't mind.

We were like fish swimming upstream, as a Giants/Dodgers game was letting out. Dagan checked his iphone and found out that the Giants had won 5-4. There was the usual bantering between Giants and Dodger fans after the game. "Beat LA!" "Go home, you bums!" etc. The rivalry is still alive and well.

The guys went into the stadium and took a few photos on the cable car before being unceremoniously booted out by one of the ushers.

Here's Steve and Dagan at the Seal statue:

The local baseball team used to be the San Francisco Seals and they played at Seal Stadium before the New York Giants moved here to SF in 1958.

We had a nice visit. They are a fun bunch of nice young people. In some ways they sort of reminded me of the newly-fledged scrub jays in my yard. They are trying out their wings after graduating from college. I wish them all good luck as they start out in their fledgling careers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to see photos of Dagan. His mom and I realize that we hadn't seen his face for about a year. Looks like we need to send him the Flobee. HaHa. Thanks for Steve and Dorothy for their hospitality and good wishes. ...Roy